Apply for my Award
Number 1: Award of beauty
Number 2: Awesome site Award
Number 3: Great Spirit Award
Number 4: Award of Exellence
Number 5: Cool site Award
Number6: Free Spirit Award
De Rules to win my Award(s):
1: No violence, Pornography, Abuse or other things that looks like that. It must be a family site.
2: You have to link my Award(s) to
3: You have to leave a message in my Guestbook.
4: You can at most win 3 Awards for a Site.
What you have to do:
Send me a E-mail with:
1: Your name
2: The Titel of your site
3: The URL of your site
4: Tell me something about your site
5: Tell me which Award(s) you apply for
6: Tell me why do you think you deserve this Award(s).
Eagle wings Eagle's are good hunters
Different food Baby eagle's Photo galerie
Apply for my Award Awards that I have won
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