These presentations are for information only, and are not to be construed as an official position of AIP or the Parliamentary Society of Toronto.
Abuses of Parliamentary Procedure Richard Slee
Adjourn Yvonne Greig
Special Orders, and Orders - Richard Slee
Alternatives to Parliamentary Procedure Ellen Campbell
Anticipating Difficult Meetings Peter Crabtree
Bilingual Rules
- Fran Goddu
Building Democratic Institutions Ellen Campbell
By-Laws in Motion Henry Miller
Changes in the Standard Code Sturgis James Lochrie
Changing Your Mind Ellen Campbell
Close Debate Larry ONeill
Close Debate Richard Slee
Committees Richard Slee
a Code of Conduct for a Board A Case Study Michael Mouritsen
Discipline Richard Slee
Dissolution of a Society Ellen Campbell
Division of Question & Consideration by Paragraph James Lochrie
Election of Officers and the Structure of Organizations Yvonne Greig
Executive Officers Duties Genny Humby
Executive Sessions Genny Humby
Fill in the Blanks James Lochrie
Forming a Society Richard Slee
Fundamental Principles Of Parliamentary Law Richard Slee
Guidelines for Conducting a Meeting - George Meek
History of Parliamentary Procedure John Sooran
History of Parliamentary Procedure (Ancient & England) Richard Slee
History of Parliamentary Procedure (US & Canada) Richard Slee
Impact of Court Rulings Len Lytwyn
Impact of Court rulings on Organizations Len Lytwyn
Incorporation of a non-profit organization in Ontario Len Lytwyn
Lay on the Table Larry ONeill
Limit Debate Ellen Campbell
Magna Carta Yvonne Greig
Majority and Its Different Meanings Peter Crabtree
Mass Meetings - Yvonne Greig
Minutes John Sooran
Misconceptions about Rules of Order - Yvonne Greig
Motion to reconsider James Lochrie
Municipal Parliamentary Procedure - Yvonne Greig
Notice Peter Crabtree
Object to Consideration John Sooran
Order of Precedence Abbas Khan
Orders of the Day John Sooran
Parliamentary Problems Recently Encountered by a Volunteer Board: Two Case Studies - Michael Mouritsen
Parliamentary Procedure & Unions Larry ONeill
Parliamentary Procedure in an International Organization Ellen Campbell
Process in an International Setting Ellen Campbell
procedure simplified: moving from Roberts Rules to Rock-Paper-Scissors Janis
Point of Order James Lochrie
Postpone Indefinitely Peter Crabtree
Presiding Officers Ron McCallum
Question of Privilege Peter Crabtree
Questions of Privilege James Lochrie
Quorum - Larry ONeill
Reality vs Practicality - Fran Goddu
Refer to Committee - James Lochrie
Responsibilities of the Presiding Officer Peter Crabtree
Responsibility in an Organization Henry Miller
Restorative Motions
John Sooran
Right to Meet - James Lochrie
Role of Board of Directors- Ellen Campbell
Roles and Responsibilities of the Secretary Stephen Powell
Rules governing the procedures and deliberations of Committees John Sooran
Rules of Debate John Sooran
Software - Robert's Rules in Motion William Nalepka
Suspend the Rules Jim Lochrie
Suspend the Rules Richard Slee
Teleconferencing Ivan Watts
Boards and Anarchy Peter Crabtree
Understanding Precedence Peter Crabtree
Voting under Roberts Rules - Larry ONeill
Voting, Absentee and Abstention Henry Miller
Writing Constitution & By-laws Richard Slee