General Guidelines For The
Conducting Of A Meeting
We all are partners in this organization and
'__________ Rules of Order' along with these Guidelines & your co-operation
will assist us as we work together to move this organization forward in a
positive manner. Rules of order are designed to facilitate and not impede the
operation of a meeting, get the
business done in an orderly manner, help us spend our time well, and make good
decisions in the interests of this organization.
- we are here to debate issues - not personalities
- refer to me
as 'the Chair/Speaker, or Mr. Chair/Mr.Speaker
- if you wish to speak, please approach a microphone
to be recognized in order by the Speaker – the microphones will be numbered
& the Chair will move among the
microphones in order- there should be a microphone reserved for use only
by the Speaker
- speak through or to the Chair/Speaker and identify
yourself by name (and whom you represent) each time you speak
- refer to fellow delegates by using such words as
'previous, latter, and former' rather than 'a name'
- questions can be asked about reports and resolutions
but only in the order of being recognized by the Chair- a supplementary
question is allowed – one can still enter into debate on a resolution after
asking a question
- debate is reserved for resolutions and is to be to
the resolution or the amendment
- try to speak
once only to the resolution under debate, be succinct and add new material to
the debate
- speak for or
against the resolution and indicate this at the outset of your remarks
- after the introduction of a resolution is accepted
by the Speaker, the mover shall be asked to speak to it and may speak once more
later in the debate- the seconder will be asked to speak also- he / she may
choose to pass
- resolutions and amendments of substance are to be in
writing and a copy provided to the
Chair in advance
- use your 'voting cards' when voting (if they are
- a resolution 'to close debate' requires a 2/3
majority of those voting
- most resolutions require a majority of those voting
'to carry'- some may require an enriched majority as set out in your
Constitution or Bylaw
- and as usual, cel phones are to be turned off
Let Us Proceed !
Prepared by George V. Meek, Meeting Presider and
(416 226 3568 /