1st CANUS Raider Battalion

1st CANUS Raider Battalion

Created as a joint effort between the US and Canada, these soldiers are highly mobile infantrymen who seek targets behind enemy lines.  Independent, this MOS is for highly skilled soldiers who cause panic and disruption throughout the enemy's backyard.

See 1st CANUS Raider Battalion Description

Enlisted - Raider
Entry:  At least 1 term in Infantry (Canada or US)
First Term Skills:
Small Arms 1
Heavy Weapons 1
Observation or Navigation 1
Wheeled Vehicle 1
Subsequent Term Skills:

A total of 2 levels or combination there of.  See US Infantry.

Contacts:  One per term, military.  Roll 1d10 for 6+ for the contact to be foreign


Officer  - Raider
Entry:  RMC, OCS, or commission
First Term Skills:
Small Arms 1
Persuasion 1
Leadership 1
Observation or Navigation 1
Subsequent Term Skills:

A total of 3 levels or combination there of.  See US Infantry.

Contacts:  Two per term, military.  Roll 1d10 for 6+ for the contact to be foreign
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