Canadian Forces Engineer Corps MOS

Canadian Forces Engineer Corps MOS

'Ubique' (Everywhere)

Engineers are responsible for everything from minesweeping and explosives, to combat diving and bridge building.  This varied nature of the Engineer Corps is what makes it attractive to so many people.

Combat Divers are similar to US SEALS, save that they are trained more for breaching the beach, than actually Special Operations.  Many Combat Diver qualified personal also serve with the Naval Infantry

Enlisted - Engineer Enlisted - Combat Diver
Entry:  None Entry:   Previous Term as either Infantry or Engineer
First Term Skills:
Combat Engineer 2
Civil Engineer 1
Tracked Vehicle 1
Small Arms 1
Mechanic 1
Subsequent Term Skills:

A total of 3 levels or combination there of.  See US Engineer.

First Term Skills:
Combat Engineer 2
Demolitions 2
Small Arms 1
Swimming 1
Small Watercraft 1
Subsequent Term Skills:

A total of 3 levels or combination there of.  See US Armour.

Contacts:  One per term, military.  Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign Contacts:  One per term, military.  Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.


Officer  - Engineer Officer  - Combat Diver
Entry:  RMC, OCS, or commission Entry:   RMC, OCS, or commission, Previous Term as either Infantry or Engineer
First Term Skills:
Leadership 1
 Persuasion 1
Combat Engineer 1
Civil Engineer 2
Small Arms 1
Subsequent Term Skills:

A total of 3 levels or combination there of.  See US Armour.

First Term Skills:
Leadership 1
Swimming 1
Navigation 1
Observation 1
Subsequent Term Skills:

A total of 3 levels or combination there of.  See US Armour.

Contacts:  Two per term, military.  Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign Contacts:  Two per term, military.  Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.

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