
Russia, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen, Many African Nations


   Considered by most to be the best tank in WWII, the Russian T-34 was instrumental in stopping the German advance on the motherland.  As good as it was in the 30's and 40's, it is nothing more than a 70 year old antique on today's battlefield.  Still used by militia units for defense and in some poor African nations, the T-34/85 is capable against soft targets only, and even then, as long as they don't fire back.  The driver sits in the hull, with a vacant spot where a radio operator once sat.  The gunner, commander and loader sit in the turret.


Variants   (Models are in years of design, not alphabetical)

A20: First production model in 1937 with wheel/track combine and 45mm gun
T-32 (A-32):  Tracked only version of the A20
T-34: Tracked tank with low velocity 76.2mm gun
T-34/76: Improved 76.2mm gun installed
T-34/85: Most 'modern' of all T-34's with 85mm gun


Travel Move: 110/90
Combat Move: 55/45
Fuel Cap: 590
Fuel Consum: 130
Price: $ 100 000 (-/R)

($ 800 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: NA
Armament: 85mm Gun, 2x PKMG
Stabilization: NA  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(4)
Ammo: 56x 85mm, 1 000x 7.62mmL TF: 15 HF: 12
Fuel Type: G, A, D TS: 12 HS: 8
Load: 500 kg TR: 12 HR: 6
 Vehicle Weight: 32 Tons  
Crew: 4 + 1 Type Round Rng Damage Pen
Mnt: 10 85mm HVAP 300 20 30/20/10
Night Vision: Headlights, Active IR Rld: 1 APHE 250 C:4, B:10 70C
Radiological: Open   HE 250 C:3, B:8 20C



Russia, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen


   Evolved from the infamous T-34 and less than stellar T-44 of WWII fame, the T-54/55 is the first true Soviet tank in the modern styling that they would become famous for.  Although the initial models were not as noticeable, the upgraded T-55 soon wore the 'frying-pan' shaped turret that is standard on Russian tanks.  Much older and without an autoloader, most were retrofitted to take the AT-10 'Stabber' missile for increased lethality on the battlefield.  As began the design, the T-54/55 features a low sleek profile, not nearly as pronounced or high as a NATO tank; thus showing the armour world that her purpose was to attack, not defend.  Though now obsolete, the T-55 is so widely marketed and produced that it can still pack a punch against anything other than a top of the line MBT.  The T-55 can snorkel up to 3m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.

Variants (Read from left to right)
T-54 Model 1949: First production model with wide mantlet from 1949 T-54 Model 1951:  Second model with 'pig-snout' mantlet from 1951
T-54 Model 1953: Carries the more modern narrow mantlet turret used in T-55's T-54A: Improved Model 1953 with power elevation and newer 100mm gun
T-54AD Dowodca: Polish 'Command' tank with extra radio T-54AK: Command version of T-54A with only 25x 100mm and additional radio
T-54AM: Polish and Western designation for T-54B (see beside) T-54B: Improved A model with night vision equipment, called the Cyclone
T-54 Dozer: T-54 with dozer blade attached for soil or snow clearing T-54M (Obiekt 140): 80's upgrade with better armour and engine
T-55 (Obiekt 155): Improved turret and optics.  43x 100mm carrying capability T-55 Model 1970: 12.7mm MG mounted over loaders hatch
T-55A: NBC shielded, smoke generator, 49x 100mm after bow gun removal T-55A Model 1970: 12.7mm MG mounted over loaders hatch
T-55K1/2/3: 3 separate models of command tank with various radios and 10m ant. T-55M: 80's upgrade with AT-10 'Stabber' or Bastion. Upgraded all all a round
T-55M-1: T-55 upgrade with AT-10 'Stabber' T-55MV: T-55M with explosive armour and exported to Syria
T-55AM-1 (AM2B, AM2P, AM2PB): Polish and Czech built T-55M-1 T-55AD: T-55M with Drozd anti-missile system.  Passive sensors launch 'chaff'
T-55AD-1: Upgraded T-55 with Drozd and new engine T-55 KBP: Upgraded optics with autotracker and new dual HEAT missile
BLG-60: Polish scissor-bridge carrier with 20m bridge for 50 tons. BTS-1: Armoured Recovery Vehicle. T-54 with no turret
BTS-2: ARV. T-54 with no turret.  Large winch and spade mounted for recovery BTS-3: ARV. Hydraulic crane and jib mounted along with winch and dozer blade
BTR-4: ARV. T-44 with hydraulic crane and jib. Extensive external stowage IMR: Combat Engineer Vehicle.  No turret. With crane and pincer fitting. Dozer bl.
MT-55: Czech scissor-bridge carrier with 18m bridge for 50 tons of weight upon it MTU-1: Soviet bridge layer with 11m bridge for 50 tons
MTU-20: Soviet bridge layer with 20m bridge for 60 tons OT-54: Flamethrower mounted in place of 7.62mm.  460 L of fuel in storage
SU-122: Tank Destroyer with 122mm gun in place of 100mm on T-54. 34x122mm TO-55: Flamethrower mounted in place of 7.62mm. 33x 100mm
WZT-1: Czech and Polish version of the BTS-2 WZT-2: Czech and Polish version of the BTS-3
VT-55 ARV:  Czech built with hydraulic crane and commander cupola


Travel Move: 110/60
Combat Move: 25/15
Fuel Cap: 950 + 380
Fuel Consum: 190
Price: $ 300 000 (R/S)

($ 950 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +1
Armament: 100mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Basic  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 35x 100mm, 6x AT-10, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 41 HF: 40
Fuel Type: G, A, D TS: 26 HS: 16
Load: 500 kg TR: 12 HR: 12
 Vehicle Weight: 36 Tons Type Round Rng Dam Pen
Crew: 4 100mm HVAPDS-T 350 26 70/60/50/30
Mnt: 8 Rld: 1 APHE 300 C:6, B:12 70C
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight   HEAT 250 C:4, B:10 60C
Radiological: Shielded   WP 250 C:3, B:20 Nil
  Type Rld Rng Damage Pen
  AT-10 'Stabber' 6 5 000 C:12, B:12 115C



Russia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Belarus, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Mongolia, North Korea,  Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen 

   Though built to be the upgraded tank to the T-54/55 series, the T-62 was a disappointment from the beginning.  Although it mounted the smoothbore 115mm gun, its slow rate of fire and significant lack of protection or increase in mobility meant that most nations fielding the T-54/55 saw no reason to replace them with the T-62.  Used extensively in the Yom Kippur War, they were proven to be a decent, though not noteworthy MBT. The T-62 can snorkel up to 3m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.



Variants (Read from left to right)
T-62 Model 1962: First production model T-62 Model 1972:  Upgraded model with 12.7mm MG over Loader's hatch
T-62 Model 1975: Last production model with Laser Range Finder T-62D: Model 1975 with the Drozds Anti-Missile system
T-62D-1: Equipped with Drozds and passive armour, as well as new radio fit T-62E: Egyptian owned T-62's with Sakr surface-to-surface smoke rockets on trt.
T-62I: Iraq purchased T-62's model 1972/1975 T-62M: Upgraded with the AT-10 Improved 'Sheksna' missile system
T-62M-1/MV/MV-1: With AT-10 'Sheksna' and passive armour T-62M1/-1/-2/-2-1: Upgrade without the AT-10 and passive armour
T-62K/MK: Command tank with GPS fitted RO-62: Royal Ordnance built 115mm barrels used mainly on Egyptian T-62
TO-62 Flamethrower: Flamethrower mounted co-ax to 115mm gun Giat T-62: T-62 Model 1975 with 125mm barrel fitted. No more than 15 were built


Travel Move: 100/60
Combat Move: 35/20
Fuel Cap: 675 + 400
Fuel Consum: 380
Price: $ 300 000 (R/S)

($ 1 000 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +2
Armament: 115mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Basic  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 40x 115mm, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 40 HF: 40
Fuel Type: D, A TS: 24 HS: 16
Load: 500 kg TR: 5 HR: 5
 Vehicle Weight: 36.5 Tons  
Crew: 4 Type Round Rng Damage Pen
Mnt: 6 115mm APFSDS 400 26 90/80/70/60
Night Vision: Headlights Rld: 2 HEAT 300 C:8, B:20 100C
Radiological: Shielded   HE 400 C:12, B:24 1C





Preceding the T-72 in appearance on the world stage, the T-64 was thought to be an unsuccessful design.  It was not.  It is in fact much more sophisticated than the T-72.  It has never been exported, and nearly 10 000 have been made.  Several key problems were the engine, suspension and the automatic loader; but these have all been corrected, and the Soviet Union has insured that the tanks stay within service of the motherland only.

All T-64's have a folding dozer blade installed underneath the front of the hull.  All can have the KMT-4 mine rollers mounted.  The T-64 can snorkel up to 4m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.




Variants (Read from left to right)
T-64: First production model with 115mm gun (40x 115mm) and autoloader T-64A (Obiekt 437): 125mm gun and 81mm smoke mortars installed
T-64AK: Command version of 'A' model with extra HF radio and no 12.7mm T-64B (Obiekt 447): Redesigned turret and firing of AT-8 'Songster' or Kobra
T-64BK: Command version of 'B' with HF radio and nav. equipment T-64BM: 6 cylinder engine used on this model as test platform
T-64BV: 'B' model with explosive armour T-64B1: 'B' model without AT-8 'Songster' installed
T-64B1K: Command version of T-64B1 with HF radios T-64BV1K: Command model of 'BV' model with reactive armour
T-64R: Rebuilt T-64A's with AT-8 installed BREM-64: Armoured Recovery Vehicle with no turret, full dozer and crane


Travel Move: 120/70
Combat Move: 40/25
Fuel Cap: 675 + 400
Fuel Consum: 240
Price: $ 350 000 (R/S)

($ 1 100 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +2
Armament: 125mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Fair  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 32x 125mm, 8x AT-8, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 48 HF: 44
Fuel Type: G, A, D TS: 24 HS: 16
Load: 500 kg TR: 20 HR: 10
 Vehicle Weight: 38 Tons Type Round Rng Dam Pen
Crew: 3 125mm APFSDS 450 28 100/90/80/60
Mnt: 6 Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 450 28 110/100/90/70
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight   HEAT 400 C:10, B:20 110C
Radiological: Shielded   HE 400 C:14, B:28 1C
  Type Rld Rng Damage Pen
  AT-8 'Songster' 6 5 000 C:12, B:12 115C




Russia, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Poland, Romania, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Syria, Yugoslavia


   Called the 'Dolly Parton' due to the two prominent bulges in the front of the hull, the T-72 is mainly an export tank.  Though a decent tank, it is not a match for the Western MBT's in a one on one shoot out.  Mobile with a potent gun (due to the AT-11) the T-72 is a third world army tank, able to handle most LAV and light tanks in the world. As with the T-64, the T-72 can be equipped with a deep fording kit snorkels, which allow upto 5 -7 meters of water to be crossed.  The T-72 can snorkel up to 3.5m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.


Variants (Read from left to right)
T-72 (Obiekt 172M): First production model T-72 (Model 1975): First Export model with different armour and NBC fit
T-72K: Command version with two HF radios and 10m whip antenna T-72A: 81mm smoke mortars added with plastic side plates and new 6-cyl. engine
T-72AK: Command version of 'A' with HF radios and two whip antennas T-72AV: With explosive armour
T-72M: Export model of 'A' with different optics and armour fit T-72B (Obiekt 184): New cooling fan, passive armour and the AT-11 'Svir'
T-72B1: 'B' model without the ability to fire the AT-11 T-72BK: Command version 2 HF radios
T-72BM: Improved 'B' model with second generation explosive armour M84: Yugoslavia export and built under license
T-72M1/M2: Czech export built under license T-72S (M1M): Export to Iran with reactive armour and ability to fire AT-11
T-72S1: Export version of the T-72B1 with reactive armour MTU-72 AVLB: Bridge layer with no turret and 18m bridge holding upto 60 tons
MTU-90 AVLB: Bridge layer with no turret and 26m bridge holding 50 tons BREM-1: ARV. No turret with crane and winch pulling upto 100 tons
IMR-2: Combat Engineering Vehicle. With strong dozer and crane, no turret TOS-1: Turret replaced with 30x 220mm rocket turret


Travel Move: 140/105
Combat Move: 30/25
Fuel Cap: 950 + 400
Fuel Consum: 300
Price: $ 400 000 (R/R)

($ 1 500 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +1
Armament: 125mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Fair  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 40x 125mm, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 70 HF: 100-Cp
Fuel Type: D, A TS: 24 HS: 16
Load: 500 kg TR: 20 HR: 10
 Vehicle Weight: 44.5 Tons  
Crew: 3 Type Round Rng Damage Pen
Mnt: 16 125mm APFSDS 450 28 100/90/80/60
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 450 28 110/100/90/70
Radiological: Shielded   HEAT 400 C:10, B:20 110C
    HE 400 C:14, B:28 1C



Russia, Cyprus, Pakistan, South Korea, Ukraine


   Lower in profile than its heritage, the T-64, the T-80 was another step forward in Soviet tank design.  A deep fording tank capable of NBC shielding, the T-80 was equipped with a gas turbine, increasing its mobility.  Though hindered with the low range 2A45M 125mm gun, the T-80 fires the AT-8 'Songster' missile as well as normal tank rounds.  Nearly all units have been retrofitted with explosive armour, and some boast the Drozds or DAS anti-missile systems.  The T-80 can snorkel up to 4.5m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.


Variants (Read from left to right)
T-80: First production model, without 12.7mm MG; frm T-64A design T-80B (Obiekt 219R): New ceramic turret and AT-8 'Songster' or Kobra
T-80BK: Command version with two HF radios without AT-8 'Songster' system T-80BV (Obiekt 219RV): First generation reactive armour
T-80BVK: Command version of 'B' with HF radio T-80SU: Upgraded with AT-11 'Sniper' or Refleks and remote firing 12.7mm
T-80U: Drozd anti-missile system T-80UD (Obiekt 478): GT replaced by Diesel engine and new optics
T-80UM: Gas Turbine and new fire control computer T-80UM1 (Bars - Snow Leopard): Equipped with DAS anti-missile system
T-80UM2:  More advanced T-80, in line for designing the Black Eagle  T-84: Ukraine built and licenced T-80UM
BREM-80U: Armoured Recovery Vehicle with 12.7mm and crane and winch


Travel Move: 150/110
Combat Move: 35/25
Fuel Cap: 1 000 + 400
Fuel Consum: 350
Price: $ 500 000 (R/S)

($ 3 800 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +3
Armament: 125mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Fair  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 36x 125mm, 5x AT-8, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 90 HF: 120-Cp
Fuel Type: G, A, D, AvG TS: 24 HS: 16
Load: 500 kg TR: 20 HR: 10
 Vehicle Weight: 43 Tons Type Round Rng Dam Pen
Crew: 3 125mm APFSDS 450 28 100/90/80/60
Mnt: 16 Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 450 28 110/100/90/70
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight   HEAT 400 C:10, B:20 110C
Radiological: Shielded   HE 400 C:14, B:28 1C
  Type Rld Rng Damage Pen
  AT-8 'Songster' 6 5 000 C:12, B:12 115C






   In an effort to save costs on tank designs and testing, the T-80MU2 is the purposely built predecessor to the highly secretive Black Eagle MBT.  Equipped with newest generation reactive armour and passive armour, the T-80MU2 may be the best T series tank Russia has ever fielded.  The gunner and commanders positions are reversed in the turret, with the gunner now sitting on the right. The 125mm gun is still the same, though the autoloader is now in the rear bustle, with blowout panels to save the crew from exploding ammunition.  The ammunition stowage has been moved from the hull to the turret bustle, thus eliminating crew injury should it be hit.  This has lead to a faster fire rate for the autoloader and gun combination.  Considered to be 58% more effective than the T-80, the T-80MU2 carries the Arena anti-missile defense system.  The T-80 can snorkel up to 4.5m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.


Travel Move: 150/110
Combat Move: 35/25
Fuel Cap: 1 000 + 400
Fuel Consum: 350
Price: $ 580 000 (S/R)

($ 4 000 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +4
Armament: 125mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Good  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 40x 125mm, 6x AT-8, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 450x 12.7mm TF: 100-Sp HF: 130-Cp
Fuel Type: G, A, D, AvG TS: 30 HS: 10-Sp
Load: 400 kg TR: 25 HR: 16
 Vehicle Weight: 44 Tons Type Round Rng Dam Pen
Crew: 3 125mm APFSDS 450 28 100/90/80/60
Mnt: 12 Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 450 28 110/100/90/70
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight   HEAT 400 C:10, B:20 110C
Radiological: Shielded   HE 400 C:14, B:28 1C
  Type Rld Rng Damage Pen
  AT-8 'Songster' 6 5 000 C:12, B:12 115C






   In a surprising revelation, the T-90 is in fact built from the T-72BM line of tanks, not the T-80 as first thought.  It is equipped as if a T-80, with all new fire control and defensive aids.  It is laid out as the T-72, though covered extensively with reactive armour.  The gunner sits on the left side of the turret, while the commander is on the right.  As with all Soviet tanks, snorkels maybe attached for deep fording.

  The T-90 fires the AT-11 'Sniper' from its 125mm gun, adding to the lethality of the tank.  The 12.7mm MG can be controlled and fired from inside the turret, as are the 6 81mm smoke mortars.  As with all Soviet tanks, smoke can be discharged by sending fuel through the exhaust system.  For defensive aids, the T-90 can launch aerosol grenades from the smoke mortars or use its TShU1-7 Shtora-1 countermeasures system.

  No longer using the gas turbine, the T-90 uses a diesel engine, and is equipped with a folding dozer blade.  The T-90 can snorkel up to 4.5m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.


Variants   (Models are in years of design, not alphabetical)

T-90: First production model first discovered in 1993
T-90E: New ceramic turret and AT-11 'Sniper' or Kobra
T-90S: Command version with two HF radios without AT-8 'Songster' system
BMR-3M: Mine clearing tank with no turret, complete reactive armour covering



Travel Move: 150/110
Combat Move: 35/25
Fuel Cap: 1 000 + 400
Fuel Consum: 350
Price: $ 600 000 (R/R)

($ 3 800 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +2
Armament: 125mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Good  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 36x 125mm, 6x AT-11, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 90 HF: 140-Cp
Fuel Type: G, A, D, AvG TS: 24 HS: 25-Sp
Load: 500 kg TR: 20 HR: 10
 Vehicle Weight: 45 Tons Type Round Rng Dam Pen
Crew: 3 125mm APFSDS 450 28 100/90/80/60
Mnt: 18 Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 450 28 110/100/90/70
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight   HEAT 400 C:10, B:20 110C
Radiological: Shielded   HE 400 C:14, B:28 1C
  Type Rld Rng Damage Pen
  AT-11 'Sniper' 5 5 500 C:12, B:12 120C





To keep up with the Western design of possible Crew-In-Hull tanks, the Soviets rushed out the T-95 long before it was ready for completion.  Fitted with a prominent Arena defense system, the T-95 has several turret variants, as they all house the more powerful 135mm gun.  Though a decent gun, the turret's have all failed in adequate testing.  Able to take a 'barrel' reducer, the 135mm gun can fire 125mm shells and AT rockets at one level more difficult.  All three crew members sit in the hull of the tank.  As with all modern Soviet tanks, the T-95 is capable of deep fording of up to 5.5m.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.


Travel Move: 145/110
Combat Move: 35/25
Fuel Cap: 1 000 + 400
Fuel Consum: 350
Price: $ 670 000 (-/R)

($ 4 650 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +2
Armament: 135mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Fair  Config:     CIH Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 36x 135mm, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 450x 12.7mm TF: 50-Sp HF: 130-Cp
Fuel Type: G, A, D, AvG TS: 15 HS: 10-Sp
Load: 400 kg TR: 10 HR: 16
 Vehicle Weight: 46 Tons  
Crew: 3 Type Round Rng Damage Pen
Mnt: 13 135mm APFSDS 550 32 110/100/90/80
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 550 32 125/110/90/80
Radiological: Shielded   HEAT 450 C:12, B:24 120C
    HE 450 C:16, B:30 3C


Black Eagle (Chiormy Oriol)



   The upgrade to the T-80MU2, the Black Eagle was produced only in small numbers throughout Russia.  With a western style rear bustle, the armament and autoloader are safely located away from the crew in case of explosion.  By the addition of an extra set of road wheels, the Black Eagle is equipped with third generation reactive armour, the Drozd anti-missile system and the Arena missile protection system.  Heavily armoured, even the top of the tank is defended against top-down missiles.  The Black Eagle was originally designed to mount the new 152mm gun, and a handful of units were produced with this troublesome gun.  Most however, are equipped with the 125mm.  The Black Eagle can snorkel up to 5m of water with preparation.  Add 80 to all covered surfaces if fitted with Reactive Armour.




Travel Move: 150/115
Combat Move: 40/30
Fuel Cap: 1 000 + 400
Fuel Consum: 345
Price: $ 600 000 (-/S)

($ 4 500 000)

 Combat Statistics:

 Armoured Vehicle

Fire Control: +4
Armament: 125mm Gun OR 152mm Gun, PKMG, DSkMG
Stabilization: Good  Config:     Trt Susp:     T(6)
Ammo: 52x 125mm OR 40x 152mm, 2 000x 7.62mmL, 400x 12.7mm TF: 120-Sp HF: 150-Cp
Fuel Type: G, A, D, AvG TS: 50 HS: 30-Sp
Load: 500 kg TR: 35 HR: 24
 Vehicle Weight: 50.7 Tons  
Crew: 3 Type Round Rng Damage Pen
Mnt: 10 125mm APFSDS 450 28 100/90/80/60
Night Vision: Headlights, Active/Passive IR, Spotlight Rld: 2 APFSDSDU 450 28 110/100/90/70
Radiological: Shielded   HEAT 400 C:10, B:20 110C
    HE 400 C:14, B:28 1C
  152mm APFSDS 600 34 140/120/90/70
  Rld: 2 HEAT 400 C:24, B:36 120C
    HE 400 C:24, B:36 3C
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