Historia de Sin Dios


Sin Dios biography

(Spanish version available)

Sin Dios was born in the summer of 1988 and after a little change in its first formation, it´s built as an anarchist ideological hardcore punk trio. The aim of the band, from their first stepts, has been the engagement and the diffusion of libertarian ideas.

Their first concerts are already in squatting houses, owing to the idea of supporting different fights in the self-governing areas (antifascism, squatting, unsubmission, etc.).

In 1990 they edit their first, demo, "...ni amo" (...neither owner) wich gathers up 13 hardcore political tracks, together with a booklet containing the lirics and some comments about the songs. 1.000 copies are editted from this demo but the band decides not to reedit it any more, because of the bad sound. In this moment they start to play out of Madrid an go across Asturias, Galicia, Euskadi, Cataluña, Levante, Castilla and some cities in Andalucía, always playing within the autonomous and libertarian surroundings.

In 1991 they record, with another band, an split L.P., "Ruido Anticapitalista" (Anticapitalist Noise), produced by the bands and Potencial Hardcore (alternative label). More than 3.500 copies of this L.P. are sold. Keeping the way the band had chosen, that of political (not only music) band.

In 1993 Sin Dios edit the L.P. "Alerta Antifascista" (Antifascist Alert), produced by several anticomercial labels and editorial (Gato Salvaje, Potencial Hardcore, Mala Raza and Queimada). The booklet contains their lirics and comments, and also some old fighters of the libertarian movement collaborations, such as Abraham Guillén (international libertarian economist), or Antonio Téllez (libertarian investigator and historician) and those of some collectives such as the "Radical Gai", "Donnes Esmussades", or "the Antifascist Autonomous Collective". They sell 4.000 copies of this work.

After a year, lots of concerts, and because of the evict of the very popular Minuesa, the band is broken up, owing to differences among the members. After one year and a half in the silence, the band joins again and starts to play once more.

In February '97, they record "Guerra a la guerra" (War to war), wich will be edited in August in this very year. This C.D. contains 19 new songs, and a 64 pages booklet. More than 13.000 are sold, wich means tha had acknowledgement of the effort they carried out. This C.D. is edited by Difusión Libertaria - La Idea (wich is made up by two members of the band), Potencial Hardcore and Queimada. It´s also edited in Mexico and Argentina, as the masters were transfered to anarchistic organizations from these countries, helping them in the financing of their activities.

When this C.D. appeared, the band changed their bass, being now the band made up by Pepe (guitar), Canino (drum), and Pepino (bass).

In May '98 the two first L.P.'s are reedited in C.D. and cassette format, as they only existed in vinyl. 12.000 are sold.

Sin Dios tries to go on with their self-governing and anticapitalism ideas, and bear severe rules in all their work:

  • the prices of the L.P.'s are always popular (half or less the money you pay for a commercial L.P.). The price can be seen in the main front.
  • popular prices also in the concerts: the ticket and drink.
  • never playing for Institutional organizations or political parties.
  • selfproduction of our material and selfgoverning in our concerts (no managers).
  • never looking for personal enjoyment by means of the band.


Info. obtained from the page of Sin Dios
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