Pack Leadership Roles - The Virtual Cub Scout Leader's Handbook
The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook


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From Denner, to Chartered Organization Representative


* An Introduction
...or, "first step towards a heathy Pack"
* Chartered Organization Representative
A communications pipeline role
* Pack Committee Chairperson
Guiding the Pack's business.
* Pack Committee Functions
The Chairman's cabinet.
* Cubmaster
* Assistant Cubmaster
* Pack Trainer
Keeping the team up to date
* Tiger Cub Den Leader
"What's Up, Tiger Cub?"
* Cub Den Leader
"A few hours a month. Honest!"
* Assistant Cub Den Leader
A BIG job!
* Webelos Den Leader
Boy Scout preppie!
* Assistant Webelos Den Leader
Assistant Boy Scout Preppie.
* Cub Den Chief
The BIG guy with red epaulets
* Webelos Den Chief
"Hey Webelos, Be Prepared!"
* The Denner
Big helper! Cool braids!
* Activity Badge Counseler
They know their stuff.
* Troop Webelos Resource Person
The Bridge-Builder!
* Pack Organization Chart
Yup! Another org chart!
* Leader Recognition Plan
Award requirements for Cubbers.
* Download ALL Job Descriptions!
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Several leadership positions are necessary for a Cub Scout pack to function properly and successfully. (See the Pack Organization Chart on page 7-1 of the Cub Leaders Book or here.) Descriptions of the leadership positions related to Cub Scouting are provided within these pages.

The citizenship requirement listed in the leadership positions is understood as follows:

"For citizens of the United States, individuals serving in any official relationship with the Boy Scouts of America shall subscribe to the statement of religious principles, and the Scout Oath and Law."

"Adults who are not citizens of the United States, but who reside within the country, may register with the Boy Scouts of America in any capacity if they agree to abide by the Scout Oath and Law, to respect and obey the laws of the United States of America, and to subscribe to the statement of religious principle."

(Article VIII, Section 2, Clause I of the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America)

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Updated 15nov01 per
The Cub Scout Leader's Book
BSA #33221B, © 2001 Boy Scouts of America

The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook
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