My first fanfic. All I knew of fandoms back then was K/S. *ggg* |
Author: T'Boy
Email: Series: ST:TOS Rating: PG Codes: K/S, Mc/m Archive: Trekiverse, other archives welcome. Summary: Challenge. T'Len asked for a K/S story beginning with Dr. McCoy saying "He's gay, Jim". The person McCoy refers to must not be Spock. Disclaimer: Fan fiction only, not for monetary profit. Characters owned by Paramount et al. No infringement intended. Do not read if m/m sex offends you, or if you are underage. Notes: My first story. No Beta. My gratitude to T'Len for offering a challenge that had a muse attached. I grabbed it fast, cause I didn't want this one to get away.
"He's gay, Jim." Jim sat there, frozen faced, eyes still. Bones swirled the brandy in the bottom of his glass, watching the light play upon the surface of the liquid. After about ten seconds, the silence had stretched too long, and he looked up into the face of his dearest friend. He saw a man struggling to find words,
stunned and disbelieving. Almost. The eyes blinked, once, then
"Your …*girlfriend*….is a man? McCoy's mouth twisted wryly.
"Well," he drawled, "I don't actually think of him as my *girlfriend*,
Jim blinked again. "I'm…..surprised.
I think. Um, you've never said you like, err, men, Bones. Never."
McCoy smiled a small smile, Jim's
confused babbling much more preferable to the silence proceeding his
He did some 'lip licking' of his own, then drew a deep breath. "Always, Jim boy, always. Just
never let anyone know. 'Course, my wife knew. Eventually."
"Jesus." Kirk's eyes were wide.
"Was that the reason….?" He couldn't bring himself to finish his
"Yup, not the hospital, not my workload.
Not anything but plain ol' difference of opinion. She's not the
Shocked silence again hit the room. "Oh, God, Bones. That's….I'm
so sorry." Jim looked appalled at the Doctor, sitting tense and still
"No, well, you weren't meant to.
No-one was. Nothin' like gettin' your fingers burnt once, teaches
"Yeah, Bones, I do. Well,…good
for you. Very good in fact." Jim straightened up, looking like a
"So, would you like to keep who this
guy is a secret? It's OK, I don't mind, you know, I'll understand
"No, that's OK, it's not gonna be
a secret, not from you. It's Alex O'Riordan in Life Sciences.
Kirk exploded brandy across the table,
and had to be thumped on the back by a shyly grinning Doctor.
What the…? "Come." Jim croaked hoarsely, and coughed again. The door slid open and Spock walked into the room. "Good evening Captain, Dr. McCoy. I'm sorry to disturb you both off duty, I won't take up much of your time. Our rendezvous with the Widjinderra has been delayed by 2 days, as they cannot have the vaccines ready on time. Apparently they have had an accident in their laboratory, and several days worth of the stock they had produced were lost. They send their apologies, and wanted to let you know immediately so Dr. McCoy's own schedule could be freed up for the relief team preparation." As he spoke, Jim got out of his chair
and approached the Vulcan, standing straight and formal during his
"Why don't you join us Spock?
Bones and I were just having the most interesting conversation." He
Spock stood immobile for four seconds,
while he calculated the possible reasons his mate might have for
"Really," thought Spock. "Human's
make themselves look quite undignified when they leave their
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