Dr.Tarek Said's Scientific Publications

A Study of Breast Fat Content in Egyptians and the Applicability of Liposuction as an adjunctive Procedure in Breast Reductive Surgery.

Tarek Ahmed Said, M.D., Fathy Farouk Khodair, M.D., and Tarek Mahboub Ahmed, M.D.

The Departments of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

Egypt. J. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., Vol (27), No (2),July, 2003: 263-270

The ideal result of any breast reductive surgery is to produce a long lasting conically shaped breast with preservation of nipple and areola viability and sensation. Liposuction is a relatively new adjunct procedure for breast reduction. It offers significant benefits when used in combination of reductive techniques and contributes to a better breast contouring. The amount of fat in breast tissue and its impact on the applicability of liposuction in the breast has not been studied till recently. In this study all patients with breast hypertrophy were managed by superior pedicle vertical mammaplasty with liposuction. The amount of fat suctioned was calculated as well as the amount of fat content in the surgical specimen. Results denote that the amount of fat content of the breast in Egyptians, even in young patients with large breasts is more than previously estimated, Liposuction is feasible in all old patients and in 86.9% of young patients with large breasts. Although fat content increases with age and with body weight with great individual variation, neither clinical examination nor mammography can predict best candidates for breast liposuction and the best policy is to routinely attempt try liposuction at the beginning of breast reductive surgery.
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