Tom Manning - Running Down the Walls  

Running Down the Walls
Anarchist Black Cross Federation
Sponsored 5K Run
  Running Down The Walls 
              Solidarity Run at USP Leavenworth

USP Leavenworth "Running Down the Walls" Crew
Rear L-R: Carlos Figueroa, Lawrence Mathies, Rodney Hill, Tom Manning, Marvin Mays
Front L-R: John Allen, William Vazquez, Chris Moore, Blaze Cruz

RUNNING DOWN THE WALLS is a 5k non-competative run/jog/walk sponsored by the ABCF - Los Angeles - BG.  A solidarity run took place in the USP at Leavenworth to assist with the ABCF Warchest and to support the autonomous settlement of Maclovio Rojas.  The comrades at Leavenworth ran with their hearts helping other political prisoners and the oppressed people of Maclovia Rojas!  It is this conciousness that builds solidarity and results in peoples victory!


A portion of the Run proceeds will also go to the autonomous settlement of Maclovio Rojas. Presently, the Mexican government and US-owned businesses are attempting to evict the 2000 families that reside in the settlement in order to make room for additional maquiladores along the US border. It is imperative that conscientious people in the United States speak up against these crimes for capitalism. It is important that we all join in the efforts to supply aid to all the communities in Mexico who are resisting similar threats of eviction!  Solidarity Now!

For Information Call:
(310) 608-4106
(please leave a voice-mail message) 


Mailing Address:
PO Box 3671 
Anaheim, Ca.  92803 

"International solidarity is not an act of charity. It is and act of unity between allies fighting on different terrains toward the same objective. The foremost of these objectives is to aid the development of the humanity to the highest level possible."

Samora Machel - Mozambique Revolutionary (1933-1986) 

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