Tom Manning - Art Show 2006  
Portland Art Show by Tom Manning, U.S. Political Prisoner

Tom <a href=Manning - Culture Worker" style="border: 2px solid ; width: 170px; height: 213px;">

Can't Jail the Spirit:
Art by Political Prisoner Tom Manning and Others

USM Area Gallery
Woodbury Campus Center

Bedford Street  -  Portland, Maine


Last Friday, September 8, after most students and faculty had left campus, University of Southern Maine president, Richard Pattenaude, abruptly announced his decision that the scheduled art exhibit, "Can't Jail the Spirit: Art by Political Prisoner Tom Manning & Others" (co-sponsored by Portland Victory Gardens Project), would be cancelled, and the art immediately removed from the USM Woodbury Campus Center.

Since Portland Victory Gardens Project (PVGP) and the USM community were not notified of this decision in advance, nor given any opportunity to participate in this decision, PVGP will be holding a press conference to address this matter tommorow, Tuesday Septemer 12, at 4pm in the gallery of the Woodbury Campus Center.  PVGP will read a statement that we have prepared regarding this matter, and announce our plans to return the art show to USM's campus (see next paragraph).  We invite all USM students and faculty who disagree with President Pattenaude's decision to join us in expressing their views.

On Friday September 15th, we will demonstrate that the government and police still “Can’t Jail the Spirit”, with a mobile exhibit of art by Tom Manning and others. The art show will begin at 5pm at the Woodbury Campus Center on USM’s campus, and will travel to Congress Square by 6pm.  Tom’s paintings will be displayed along the route and in the square, alongside art from local artists.  Speakers will include Ray Luc Levasseur, lawyers from the National Lawyers Guild, and an open mic.  All members of the public who believe in expression free from police control are encouraged to bring poems, music, art, food, signs, and their free speech.

Portland Victory Gardens Project

PO Box 1992

Portland, Maine 04104

(207) 761-1504

Free the Land!  Free all U.S. Political Prisoners!   All Power to the People!

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Friends of Tom Manning

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