HK Mk 23 Mod 0 Special Operations Handgun

HK Mk 23 Mod 0 Special Operations Handgun

The first .45 ACP pistol to enter the US military since the Colt 1911, the Mk 23 is a Special Operations pistol.  With a threaded barrel, it is easily used with a suppressor, and a LAM unit, capable of quick mounting under the barrel.

Round: .45 ACP
Wt: 1.5 kg
Magazine: 10/12
Price: $1 250
Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
HK Mk 23 Mod 0 - .45 ACP SA 2 Nil 1 10/12 2 - 14

Heckler & Kock P7 (M13)

   Designed for police agencies, the P7 is an odd looking pistol in that it has a short barrel.  Highly effective, this pistol is made in two variants, the M8 with an eight round magazine, or the M13, with a thirteen round magazine.  The magazines are not interchangeable.

Round: 9mmP
Wt: P7M8:  0.970 kg

P7M13: 1.13 kg

Magazine: P7M8: 8

P7M13: 13

Price: P7M8:  $700

P7M13:  $950

Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
P7 M8 SA 1 Nil 1 8 4 - 12
P7 M13 SA 1 Nil 1 13 3 - 12


  This odd looking Sporting Pistol is larger than average, though has found a home amoung target shooters, and even a few government agencies.  Though not automatic, the SP89 can carry a large number of rounds, which is important in the midst of a gun fight.  It is an obviously modified SMG frame.

Round: 9mm P
Wt: 2 kg
Magazine: 15/30
Price: $1 000
Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
HK SP89 SA 1 Nil 2 15/30 2 - 16

HK Universal Self-loading Pistol

   One of HK's newest pistols, the Universal Self-Loading Pistol (USP) is quickly making the grade throughout many law enforcement and SWAT (ERT) locals.  Re-chambered for several calibers, the user can choose the amount of stopping power they need.

Round: 9mmP, .45. 40
Wt: 1.0 kg
Magazine: 12/10/10
Price: $1 200
Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
HK USP  - 9mm SA 1 Nil 1 12 3 - 12
HK USP - .45 ACP SA 2 Nil 1 10 3 - 14
 HK USP - .40 S&W SA 2 1-Nil 1 10 4 - 15

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