Glock 17

Glock 17/17L/17C

 One of the most revolutionary pistols in the world, the composite made Glock 17 is the first in the series.  With over 45 nations regularly using the pistol, the Glock 17 comes in three variants.  The standard 17, which can be made amphibious quickly, 17L which is a long barrel version used normally by shooters, and the 17C, which features an integrated compensator for quick follow up shots.  All models are without safety catches, due to the three independent safeties activated by the trigger pull.

Round: 9mmP
Wt: 17: 0.625 kg

17L: 0.670 kg

Magazine: 17/19
Price: 17: $600

17L: $700

17C: $850

Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
 Glock 17 SA 1 Nil 1 17/19 4 - 12
Glock 17L SA 1 Nil 1 17/19 3 - 15
Glock 17C SA 1 Nil 1 17/19 3 - 12


Glock 19/19C

A smaller more compact version of the Glock 17, the 19 has many interchangeable parts.  Like the 17, the 19 comes in a C variety, for the integrated compensator, allowing a reduction in muzzle jump and for faster and more accurate follow up shots.

Round: 9mmP
Wt: 19: 0.59 kg
Magazine: 15/17
Price: 19: $650

19C: $900

Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
 Glock 19 SA 1 Nil 0 15/17 4 - 10
Glock 19C SA 1 Nil 0 15/17 3 - 12

Glock 20/20C/21

A further development of the Glock 17, the 20 is a 10mm pistol, while the 21 is a .45 ACP.  The 20 is made in a C variant as well, which reduces muzzle rise, and allows for faster and more accurate follow-up shots.

Round: 10mm/.45 ACP
Wt: 0.74 kg
Magazine: 20: 15

21: 13

Price: 20/C: $700

21: $650

Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
 Glock 20 10mm SA 2 1-Nil 1 15 4 - 15
Glock 20C 10mm SA 2 1-Nil 1 15 3 - 15
Glock 21 0.45 ACP SA 2 Nil 1 13 4 - 15

Glock 22/22C/23/23C/24/24C

Changing to the increasingly popular .40 S&W round, the 22 and 23 are almost identical to the Glock 17.  The C model allows for faster and more accurate follow-up shots.  The 24 and 24C are competition pistols.

Round: .40 S&W
Wt: 0.650 kg
Magazine: 22/24: 15

23: 13

Price: 22/23: $650

22C/23C: $800

24/24C: $950

Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
 Glock 22/23 SA 2 1-Nil 1 15/13 4 - 15
Glock 22C/23C SA 2 1-Nil 1 15/13 3 - 15
Glock 24 SA 2 1-Nil 1 15 4 - 18
Glock 24C SA 2 1-Nil 1 15 3 - 18

Glock 26/27/29 Pocket Pistols

This pocket pistol was introduced in the second half of 1995.  A favourite with special agents and the like, the Glock 26 is hardly noticeable, and is a proven pistol already.  The 27 was upgraded to the .40 S&W, though does not handle as well.  The 29 was re-chambered for the 10mm round.

Round: 9mmP
Wt: 0.550 kg
Magazine: 26/29:  10

27:  9

Price: 26:  $800

27/29:  $900

Weapon ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
 Glock 26 9mm SA 1 Nil 0 10 4 - 10
Glock 27 .40 S&W SA 2 1-Nil 0 9 5 - 12
Glock 29 10mm SA 2 1-Nil 0 10 4 - 10

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