Ferilon Candidates for Dragons

Ferilon Candidates for Dragons!

Stats | Story

Ferilon One, Male NhieuTay Ferilon Two, Male Mahno Ferilon Three, Female CharnBat
Trait Dominant Trait Dominant Trait Dominant
General extra long fur General Silky soft General scaley
Muzzle top of head has fin Muzzle Bearded Muzzle Antennae
Ears large deer-like Ears large deerlike Ears no mks
Neck ring around base Neck Front Neck no mks
Body belly fringe Body S/R Body pattern
Legs fully covered Legs Line Legs plumed
Tail spaded end Tail Spaded Tail Tufted
Personality Standoffish, kind of arrogant Personality Quiet, stable, commanding Personality Shy, fearful, but curious
Tribal u! - bipedal Tribal Y' - skeletal, Ears or Legs Tribal U* - no limbs, combined with u! becomes Naga shape with arms and no legs
Tribal shown Traits show due to R' Tribal shown u! - bipedal, and I* - antlers Tribal shown u! - bipedal
Mutations x - centauroid, and C - Very pale Mutations none showing Mutations none show
Mutations Shown Mutations show due to F' Mutations Shown Mutations Shown
POWERS Cold Production POWERS Spirit Lash POWERS Body Control (others)
Pattern fringe bands Pattern fully striped Pattern Calico
Color 1 (fr) Silver Metallic Color 1 Reddish Brown Color 1 off white
Color 2 (fr) Light Grey Color 2 Pale Green Color 2 blue violet
Body metallic Dark Green Fringe High Black (stripes of pale green) Fringe low black
Eyes High Black Eyes metallic Dark Green Eyes pale green
Extras Extras Extras dark blue


Ferilon Four, Male Thoihra Ferilon Five, Male Caiva Ferilon Six, Female BoHam
Trait Dominant Trait Dominant Trait Dominant
General sleek with armor General Armored/armadillo General thick
Muzzle antennae Muzzle fin/fringe Muzzle fringe
Ears plumed Ears no mk/round Ears lop
Neck sides Neck front/base Neck full
Body no mk Body sides Body S/R
Legs front Legs top Legs wide back
Tail spaded Tail line Tail no mk
Personality Silent, occasionally explosive Personality Open, curious, jittery, snide, presumptive, and full of himself, mix/match. Personality Calm, easily annoyed, sensible
Tribal AI! airilon batwing arms, and RE croc tail Tribal none show/carried Tribal u' - insect mouth
Tribal shown Y* - vampire goth, u! - bipedal Tribal shown Tribal shown shows due to R'
Mutations X - extra two pairs of legs and wings Mutations

x tauroid

Mutations K - sail fin
Mutations Shown Mutations Shown x! two heads! Mutations Shown x centauroid
POWERS Heat Production POWERS Mind Addle POWERS Animal Control
Pattern starry fringe - colors are as Y* shows (black, violet, red, red eyes) these inherit though. Pattern fringe fire Pattern zebrastripe
Color 1 (fr) yellow green Color 1 (fr) lavender Color 1 deep purple
Color 2 (fr) metallic dark green Color 2 (fr) pale green Color 2 high black
Body yellow green Body pink Fringe pink
Eyes blue violet Eyes Charcoal/white Eyes green brown
Extras   Extras Extras fin is fringe color

Of course, these guys are mine, made by Tani, for Tani, and aren't for adoption.

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