The Virtual Uniform & Insignia Handbook
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Why Do We Wear Uniforms?

The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. There are many reasons for this. One reason stands out above all the rest. We wear the uniform because it is a means of identifying ourselves openly with the principles to which we are committed-character development, citizenship training, and physical and mental fitness.

The fact that youth and adult members of Scouting wear a uniform doesn't mean that we're all alike. We come from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. We have our own religious beliefs and political views. We are each individuals with our own family traditions and loyalties. So the uniform is not intended to hide our individuality. But it is a way we give each other strength and support. It is a bond that ties us together in spite of our differences. It is a way of making visible our commitment to a belief in God, loyalty to country, and to helping other people.

The Scouting movement is built on positive values. As we wear the uniform, we are openly identifying ourselves with those values where everyone can see us. We stand together, not alone, in encouraging others to live by those same principles. Boys and adults alike should take pride in belonging to such a movement and wear the uniform as it is intended.



Character, Citizenship, Fitness!

* Cub & Webelos Scout Uniform Guide
From Cap To Shoes - Fully Illustrated
* Cub & Webelos Scout Insignia Guide
The Virtual CUB Insignia Guide
* Adult Leader Uniform Guide
They Make 'em Extra Large?
* Adult Leader Insignia Guide
The Virtual LEADER Insignia Guide
* Tiger Cub Uniform & Insignia Guide
For the Well-Dressed Tiger Cub
* Den Chief Uniform & Insignia Guide
Our Big Brothers!
* Achieving 100% Uniforming
The Cubmaster's Uniforming Goal
* Policies and Procedures
Uniforming Guidelines
* Rules and Regulations
Do It By The Book
* How to Wear the Uniform
Under or Over The Collar?
* How to Uniform Your Pack
Be A Quality Unit
* Uniform Inspections
Down To The Finger Nails!


Policies and Procedures
There are certain rules about how and where the uniform should be worn. There is a correct place on the uniform for each badge and insignia. The National Cub Scout Committee, made up of volunteer Scouters around the country, has the responsibility of setting the standards for the Cub Scouting uniforms. No changes or alterations in the uniform or badges may be made without its approval.

All Cub Scout leaders should become familiar with the rules and regulations on uniforming so they can set a good example for the boys. (See Uniform Rules and Regulations)


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How To Uniform Your Pack
Since the uniform helps you achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting, you will want to make sure all of the boys and adult leaders in your pack are completely and correctly uniformed. Leader attitudes toward uniforming are important since leaders influence the attitudes of the boys. When leaders are in uniform, the boys will know uniforms are important and necessary. When leaders wear badges and insignia incorrectly, the boys get the impression that proper uniforming isn't required or necessary.

When a boy joins the pack, be sure to impress on his family the importance of the uniform, both to the boy and the pack. Suggest that the boy begin his Cub Scout experience by helping to earn part of the cost of his uniform.  


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Achieving 100% Uniforming
Once the pack committee has set a goal of 100 percent boy and adult leader uniforming, there are many ways it can be accomplished. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Establish a pack uniform exchange. Boys graduating from Cub Scouting donate their "experienced" uniforms to the pack. They are distributed as needed. Emphasize the fact that these uniforms are "experienced" (rather than "used") uniforms this adds some appeal from the boys' point of view.

  2. Make arrangements with such agencies as Goodwill Industries, The Salvation Army, and Volunteers of America to get Cub Scout and leader uniforms that might be donated to them. Some packs aid these agencies in collecting used clothing and furniture in return for the uniforms. Your council might also have contacts with such agencies through which you can get uniforms. Watch for garage and rummage sales.

  3. Schedule pack money-earning projects to earn funds to buy uniforms.

  4. Encourage families and friends to give uniforms as gifts on holidays and birthdays.

  5. Some packs encourage proper uniforming by giving a new Cub Scout his pack and den numerals. These are bought regularly with funds from the pack treasury.

Remember that boys and leaders are identified as members of the Boy Scouts of America by their uniform. Make sure they wear the full and correct uniform.

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