Cub Scout Insignia Clip Art

Images for use in your Cub Scouting program

Cub Insignia Icon

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CLIPART OF OFFICIAL INSIGNIAS, LOGOS, AND PATCHES of the Boy Scouts of America or any other organization remain the property of each respective organization, and usage by its members is governed by the rules and regulations of each respective organization. Unauthorized usage or reproduction, in part or in whole, may be an infringement of the legal rights of these organizations and their divisions. All unauthorized use and reproduction of any clipart of official insignias, logos, and patches displayed on this Web Site is strictly prohibited. Contact each respective organization for written permission.

Other images presented herein are the copyrighted works of this website's owner. Users of this website are granted permission to download and re-use these images in the support of their Scouting program.

WEB DESIGNERS: When utilizing these images in on-line web site designs, we ask that you include the following "ALT" attribute text in associated "IMAGE" tags:

ALT="Copyright, 2003, VCLH. Used With Permission."

Users of this site ARE NOT granted permission to offer these images for download from other web sites.



Select CLIP-ART FAMILY or CLIP-ART IMAGE from the menu on the left side of the display. The image will subsequently be displayed in this window. Use the download instructions below to capture the image on your workstation.


    Using Netscape Navigator

    1. Position the pointer on top of the image and click the right mouse button to bring up the menu.
    2. Move down to Save this Image as... and click the left mouse button.
    3. Save the new image as a file on your hard disk or diskette (make sure you pay attention to the location of the image so you can find it later).
    Using Microsoft Internet Explorer
    1. Position the pointer on top of the image and click the right mouse button to bring up the menu.
    2. Move down to either
      1. Copy or
      2. Save Picture as... and click the left mouse button. Then either:
        1. Paste the new image into a page you are editing or
        2. Save the new image as a file on your hard disk or diskette (make sure you pay attention to the location of the image so you can find it later).


    Using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer

    1. Position the pointer on top of the image and hold down the mouse button.
    2. Drag the image to the desired folder on your desktop, or optionally...
    3. Holding the mouse button down, move down the menu to Save this Image as... and release the mouse button.
    4. Save the new image as a file on your Mac (make sure you pay attention to the location of the image so you can find it later).

Note: All images are optimized for display and printing at 72 BPI (bits-per-inch.) When presented at this resolution, the images will appear at a scale of 1:1.


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The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook
All Rights Reserved
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