Working Together To Enhance The Environment
Program Description Support your local conservationists! |
Participating Agencies Federal agency program resources. |
The Program Recognitions For program participants |
The Patch Worn as temporary insignia. |
For Cub And Webelos Scouts Some Project ideas. |
For Boy Scouts And Venture Scouts Project ideas for Boy and Venture Scouts. |
For Explorers Project ideas for Explorers. |
The Application Form Print it, fill it out, turn it in. |
Other Conservation Awards Other awards and programs for Scouts. |
Search For Scout Conservation Info Find what you're looking for here!. |
Since 1910, conservation has been an integral part of the program of the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA has been a positive force in conservation and environmental efforts. Scouts have rendered distinguished public service by helping to conserve wildlife, energy, forests, soil, and water. Past generations of Scouts have been widely recognized for undertaking conservation Good Turn action projects in their local communities.
Scouts of today have grown up with words such as ecosystem and biodiversity. They recognize the need for, and the benefits of, conserving natural resources. Scouts understand that we all must work together for the betterment of the land, forests, wildlife, air, and water.
Much has been accomplished in recent years by individual Scouts and through unit conservation Good Turns. Much more needs to be done.
Beginning in 1995, the Boy Scouts of America will do much more.
The Conservation Good Turn is an opportunity for Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Explorer posts to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities.
Conservation and environmental agencies typically have a; backlog of needed projects that they have been unable to carry out, for lack of funding or volunteers. The list of possible Good turn projects is limited only by the needs of the agency and the willingness of the Scouting unit. In every community, whether urban, suburban, or rural, worthwhile-projects await all Scouting units.
Cub Scouting conservation, projects should involve the entire Cub Scout pack, each den, adult 'leaders, and family members. Hands-on projects help Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts realize that everyone can do things to care for the environment. Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts participating in the Conservation Good Turn can also meet some advancement requirements. Suggested projects include, but are not limited to:
Well, if you've made it this far down the page, you have either found more information on the Conservation Good Turn Program than you ever dreamed you'd need, or you are totally frustrated because you can't find info that esoteric project (or what-ever). The links below are the portals into the 'Conservation-ether', ....the vessel of all "green-Earth" knowledge, ....the crucible of "tree-hugging" exhaultation, ...THE WEB! (If you can't find it after all this work, let me know, and I will ferret it out for you!!)
For more information, see BSA Publication No. 21-386 - 1995 Printing |
Copyright © 1998 Cub Scout Pack 215, All Rights Reserved