Zine - Literature

Avow # 17
Personal zine with thousand of story. 28 pages of nice life story add it up with lotsa artistic drawing; all in all throw inside this piece of zine. Avow is another zine that stand aside with cometbus, doris, or other good personal zine. So you should check this out. RM 3ppd.

Detention #4 - Latest issue of this rad fucking zine from Malaysia! Featuring this time godstomper, csmd and Danish scene report. Lotsa awesome writing, nice layout, A4 size, tons of information, zines + records review and everything good. There is no excuse for you to miss this local zine. Not your average boring zine! Fully recommended. RM 4ppd 

ropping out [crimethinc] ?
This is simply a nice documentation of one girl who stepped out from the normality and taking back every of her single life. This is aspiration story about how life could be meaningful without the everyday setup of the system. RM 1ppd

End of perfect day #7, # 8 and # 9  - Edited by Damian, a cool friend from United States. Issue number seven feature his diary traveling and spend lot of his time with his bicycle around America. Issue number 8 is a story of traveling to Puerto Rico. And issue number 9 bring you to the land of Turkey.Front cover come show a ship and old town picture; with a theme “tales of Anatolia? This is a good zine that you should not miss. Thousand of good story to share and this is simply awesome! Fill with lot of nice diary and writing. RM2ppd each copied
KWJIBO #1, #2, #3 - Done by friends from Chicago. Issue #1 - This feature random good article + an interview with municipal waste. Also tons of review include. Issue #2 Interview with Cream abdul babar and crampers + other stuff. Issue #3 - getting better and better for each issues. This one feature the old same stuff but getting nicer. Interview with corn on macabre and also brent eyestone. Get it. RM 2ppd each copied

New ?Slug N Lettuce # 82 & # 81
?Good newspaper tabloid size, fill up with tons of good news about recent hc/punk scene worldwide. Tons of review, column, comics etc. RM 2 ppd each

We Gonna Fight (WGF) #4 ?
Newest issue with apatia no (Venezuela), stonehnge rec (France) itsuka over Disneyland (phil), tian an mien records (France) and brigade floras magon (France). Also a travel report to Asian, writing scene report and review. Very international! Cool stuff! RM 2ppd. copied

WGF #6 ?
New issue. This time greater than before. More coverage on hc/punk exotic side. Interview with like Coalition zine, FxPxO (Macedonia hc/punk), Rancidos (Italian punk rock), Ya Basta (France ska punk) and also Crashed out (Indonesia anarcho hc/punk). Scene report and many more, Buy or die! RM 2ppd.copied
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